IMPORTANT UPDATE: Read this before signing up with Megapush!
Last month I published a detailed case study at the AffiliateFix forum where I created a follow along with testing push notifications. There were a lot of people asking questions and it had nice results, however, the offers I choose for that campaign were high payout offers, and most of the time it’s difficult for new affiliates to run those as they require more budget for testing.
I think I mentioned back there the offer was for a Tier 1 country but today I decided to do another case study in a tier 2 country with an offer with a much smaller payout.
I’ve been testing a lot of offers with this traffic and even low payout offers below $1 can work with the right bid and geo. In this case study, we’re going to check a Casino CPL offer in Spain which generated around 40% ROI after running for a couple of days and had a $4 payout.
We decided to run this test based on a recommendation from our manager. That’s usually how we test things as well as looking at stats and market research (AK.A. Adplexity)
I decided to check Megapush’s bids and Spain had a decent bid around $0.03 and $0.04, so I decided to launch the campaigns. If you want to learn more about MegaPush you can read my review here.
MegaPush requires a big featured image and a small icon image so we tested 5 different ones first and then choose a winner.
Here are some of the examples we used for the featured images. Obviously, make sure they have the proper size (492 x 328) before uploading them:

As for the icons, we normally test very different ones. Some with colors, some without colors, some like notifications, etc. In this case, we downloaded a ton of casino related icons and resized them to 192 x 192 to test the campaign:

After a day of spending some money and getting conversions, we decided to leave the best converting creative/headline/icon combination running. We spent around $170 USD with this campaign in 48 hours as you can see in Megapush’s dashboard. You’ll notice the ROI is -100% because I normally don’t pass back the conversion data from my tracker to the network:

Our results at the beginning weren’t that good. In fact, I was about to quit and focus on another campaign but some conversions took a few hours to arrive and the campaign was breaking even. After we focused all the traffic to the best creative the second day we got a positive ROI and made $192 from $134 spent. That’s a 42% ROI:

Overall results were not as good because the rest of the creatives had a negative ROI but after pausing them we had a promising campaign to scale up. I tend not to optimize anything after 48 hours but what was interesting is this campaign had a lot of feeds to be filtered that could potentially increase the profit to 50%+. It’s just a matter of filtering them and optimize a little 🙂

As for the devices we were buying mobile traffic but both smartphones and tablets were performing similar, so in this case, the feeds were the most important thing to optimize to get higher ROI.

The offer was paused after a few days unfortunately and I don’t think it’s alive anymore, but if you find a good casino offer for ES you could try something similar.
- Offer: Casino CPL
- Geo: ES (Spain)
- Payout: $4
- Traffic source: MegaPush
- Ad spend: $179+40 (from other creatives initial test) = $219
- Conversions: 65
- Revenue: $260
- Profit: $41
However, if you focus on the best creative/headline combination the ROI was quite higher which means you can focus on that one and start scaling. We’re now testing similar offers and other traffic sources as well to find a winner in several Geos.
The main idea of this case study is to show that also low payout offers can work with this traffic with the right angle. So just test them and see what works. My lowest payout offers so far with push that worked had a $0.8 payout. In that case, you can gather good data with a $10 per day budget so it’s not as limited as native banners where usually you require higher payouts to make it work. Test CPLs, apps, downloads, CC submits, etc. and find your winners!
hi,Serv servandosilva
Thank you for sharing,
there are such wonderful posts.
I want to ask a few questions.
1. Run this push traffic,In addition to creating creatives,
Do you need a landing page?
2. For unattractive CPL dathing offers
Need to add your own design landing page?
Still can run push traffic directly
Thanks for your words.
1. Yes, I use landing pages but you don’t need them. It’s just easier to make money with landers than without them.
2. For dating I’d say 99% of the time is better to use landers to increase your quality.
Hola Servando, no enviar postback de vuelta para el provider és una estratégia que siempre usas?
Llámame precavido pero no veo porque hacerlo a menos que las campañas estén corriendo en modo CPA.
Hey Servando,
Gran post como siempre!
Cuando lanzas campañas en países como India, Pakistan, etc…escribes el copy en inglés?
Sabes si hay algún tutorial donde te explique paso a paso como usar megapush? Soy nuevo en este canal.
Hola Javier.
Tengo un artículo que explica cómo montar campañas justo aquí.
Sobre tu pregunta, si el país habla otro idioma, pongo las landings y creatividades en el idioma del país.
Very useful information for me thanks for sharing I loved it.
Hello Servando ,
Been following you awhile
I’ve got 1k saved for marketing what traffic would you start with in Jan? I’ve tried zeropark and lost my ass lol.
Do you still think that is the best spy tool and if I get it go for mobile?
What about sponsors I’ve got Peerfly maxbounty and many others I’m from USA so never had a problem getting accounts
Thanks me for your imput
Hi Steve.
It looks like you didn’t make much market research and tested enough offers. Zeropark is quite a good source and I’ve made 6 figures with them in the past years.
As for networks, it totally depends on the type of traffic and vertical you want to learn.
What spy tool are you talking about?
Thanks Servando. I’m just a beginner, but I also found out you can earn with low payout offers. I managed to generate 60.4% ROI and around $50 per day with 2-tier GEO SOI offer, $1.14 payout. On 1 day I had 87% ROI and $100 profit. I ran it for a week.
Hola Servando soy un fiel seguidor de tu blog. Gracias por compartir el caso de estudio. Sin duda el 2019 sera el año del trafico push!! Te quiero contar que estoy reuniendo el capital necesario para entrar a tu curso de CPA y aplicar todo lo que allí enseñas. Mi meta son 2500 usd. Pronto seré otro mas de tus alumnos!!
Gracias por tus comentarios Jhon!
Ese presupuesto es bueno definitivamente. Saludos!
amigo acabo de ver que tu curso ya no esta disponible. A que se debe esto?
Hola John. Cerré las entradas por ahora para mantenerlo exclusivo y trazar los planes de este año.
Los que entraron hasta el 31 de Diciembre son los únicos que acepté solamente.
Buen articulo Servando!
Cada vez pica mas la curisidad con el tema push notificactions…
Las CPL de que network las sacaste?
Que hay de las LP, usaste tuyas propias o direct? supongo que tuyas… cuantas?
Un saludo!
Usamos un par de landings. Aunque en push si se puede probar directo al principio pero no nos gusta ya que tenemos todo para probarlas con landings mejor.
La network prefiero mantenerla privada 🙂
Ya supongo, que teniendo LP mejor que mejor….
Lo de la network era por saber, no hay muchas con CPL decente jajaja!!