2023 Update: SelfAdvertiser will be closing its platform on September 30th, 2023. Discounts, platforms, and links will be offline after that date.
A lot of people ask me about PPV traffic and most networks have millions of pops per day. While pops are a great way to get started one traffic source that I also recommend a lot to learn or simply to make money fast is domain/redirect traffic.
In my opinion domain redirect traffic is the closest thing you can find to search traffic, and that means the quality is quite good and you get to understand easily why your campaigns work and how to scale them.
Here are some of the advantages of domain traffic vs. pop traffic:

Basically, the main advantage is the quality of the traffic and the easy ability to input keywords completely related to an offer and see the conversions pour in. While you normally buy traffic from all sites (RON) on pop networks and you need to use mass-appeal offers to monetize them, domain redirect traffic is warm traffic, meaning the user is already looking for something and it’s up to you to show them the right offers and get the conversion.
A lot of domain traffic comes from typos and mistakes (typing facebok.com instead of facebook.com) and some others just because people go to domain.org instead of domain.net.
The key here is to find good keywords to monetize and deploy a ton of campaigns to make massive volumes.
The cons of domain redirect traffic are:
- The bids are higher (but this means the quality is better than pop)
- The volume is lower
However, let me tell you that volume here isn’t as important as regular pop traffic because with high bids and very high conversion rates you can make a lot of money from just a couple thousand visits.
If you received 3,000 visits per day with any regular pop traffic network you probably wouldn’t make more than a couple of bucks. However, I have had several campaigns with domain traffic receiving just 1,000-2,000 visits per day making $300 per day. And that was outside of the USA.
It all depends on the keyword and your ability to monetize the traffic. Also, I’ve found domain traffic quite good to build your own email lists (cheaper than Facebook/Adwords in many cases) or your own subscription websites, so try to think a bit outside of the box and make it rain.
Domain traffic with SelfAdvertiser
A couple of months ago I launched an exclusive promo with the SelfAdvertiser crew where you can get a 100% match of your initial deposit up to $500. You can read the whole review from February here.
We’ve extended the promo so you can take advantage of it and start testing domain redirect traffic too. SelfAdvertiser recently got a lot of new publishers with domain traffic so there’s good volume available to play and monetize.
You can sign up by clicking up the banner above this line or simply go to the registration page RIGHT HERE.
This will help you to get approved fast by my manager and after that, all you need to do is use the promo code SRVNDSELF when making the payment as explained in the SelfAdvertiser review.
Running Domain Redirect campaigns
The way you create campaigns with SelfAdvertiser for domain traffic is pretty much the same as I explained a couple of months ago.
You just need to make sure that you select the “Targeting Type” to be Keyword Targeted and also the “Traffic Type” to be Domain Redirect (also known as Zero Click). Here’s a screenshot:

After that, just keep filling the regular settings like geo, devices, browsers, etc. and in the Keywords field add the keywords you want to target. For example, if you’re promoting a sweepstake offer you might want to select “iPhone” and similar keywords. If you’re promoting a streaming service “streaming” has a lot of volume, or “loans” if you’re doing CPL loan offers.
You get the idea.

While no network has more domain redirect traffic than what’s available on pop traffic, there’s still a lot of volumes to play with. SelfAdvertiser has a lot of domain traffic in the USA, but you can find also good volume in tier2 geos and some big tier 3 geos. Check the table below for more information.

Additionally, if you’re subscribed to my email list you’ll receive in a few hours a detailed excel with many countries and all the volume available BY KEYWORD both in mobile and desktop traffic. Consider that a small gift for being a loyal subscriber.
If you’re not a subscriber but you want to receive the excel file just sign up through the form at the end of this post (or at the sidebar) and answer my first email. I’ll reply back with the excel file in 24-48 hours.
One problem a lot of people have is they use the wrong keywords in the wrong geos and they get no traffic, so having this list will help you focus where the volume is and you’ll just have to test landers/offers instead of worrying about not receiving traffic.
Anyways. If you’re having trouble monetizing pop traffic or just want to add more revenue to your campaigns, domain traffic is a great option as well. Don’t forget to SIGN UP HERE to get the $500 bonus match with SelfAdvertiser.
P.S. Having a great relationship with your traffic managers will help you get insider information like this in many networks.
Hi Servando,
Do I need a verified paypal account to deposit funds into my SelfAdvertiser account?
Hi Michael.
I don’t think so, but it will depend if you have already an attached card to make payments or you already have funds in your account.
Have you used redirect traffic to promote COD offers
No. I don’t focus on COD offers. However, I have run a few COD offers in the past with push traffic, which is also available now at SelfAdvertiser.
Hi Servando,
The Code “SRVNDSELF” is expired. Do you have a another one?
Not at the moment but I’ll have a new one in the next 10 days.
Make sure you’re subscribed to use it when I announce it to my email list.
Hey Servando! Good post!
What type of landing pages do you use with domain redirect traffic?
Do you run any campaigns directly with this traffic?
In the case of sweepstakes, is it better to be direct to the offer?
Hi man.
We use the same type of landers of pop traffic. You can do some market research using Adplexity.
As for running direct, we don’t. Most of the times a landing page is better (more conversion rate and higher quality) plus it has advantages to filter the bad traffic as well.
Ok, so I would provide a landing page URL, say bodybuilding.com, based on the example. The example looks to have a full e-commerce / membership. But what are the other options for the landing page, non-google ad(s)? A directory site with links to affiliates? What is best to start as a newbie?
Bodybuilding.info is a keyword? Since keywords are important, who/how are these selected?
Thanks again,
Monetization for this type of traffic is normally done with affiliate offers or CPA offers or just re selling that traffic (arbitrage) but not with networks like Adsense.
You can check the keywords available in their keyword tool inside SelfAdvertiser’s dashboard organized by geo and volume.
Other than Selfadvertiser and ZP , any other good Domain redirect traffic source out there ?
Thank you
Thanks for your post. I’ve been thinking about writing a very comparable post over the last couple of weeks. I’ll probably keep it short and sweet and link to this instead if thats cool. Thanks.
Do you think a domain redirect will work with, giving out a freebie in exchange for their email?
Sure. I’ve tested it before and it works but it depends a lot on the keywords you choose. Also keep in mind you should test the quality of the leads once you have some to see if it’s worth the ad spend.
Hello Servando,
Would you recommend a beginner get started in domain/redirect traffic or pop traffic? It seems like pop traffic is heavily saturated with newbies and as a newbie myself I’m trying to get started off on the right track.
Redirect works better for newbies in my opinion. They’re similar, but redirect converts better although there’s less volume.
I got started with redirect as there’s less trash traffic there and then you can scale to op sources.
What Frequency filter do you use with domain redirect? 24h ?
Yeah, we always use 12 or 24 hours frequency cap for all networks and types of traffic.
Por ejemplo, México dice 721.674 visitas, es por 1 día o por mes?
Ese volumen de redirecciones es mensual.
En Pop si tienen mucho más tráfico y puedes ver esos números al día.
Hi Servando, bueno, te lo pongo es español.
Me suscribí con tu enlace (por tu generosa oferta :))
Solo tengo una pregunta.
en esta red se pueden subir tus creatividades?
No veo esa opción…
Hola beatriz.
El tráfico es PPV o search, así que simplemente subes la uRL que quieres promocionar y te llega el tráfico directamente en vez de usar banners.
Man I been trying to get Selfadvertiser Domain Redirect to convert for the longest time.
Could it be because I was promoting a offer which requires the user to purchase a product?
I have a feeling Domain Redirect is perfect for email submit offers.
Starting with purchases is a bad choice. You’ll need a lot of money to gather data.
Start with something that pays much less and is easier to convert like an email submit or an app install.
Hey thanks for another awesome article Servando, I was wondering what are some good spy tools for PPV traffic. Adplexity is for pops , but I dont seem to find anything for PPV. Thanks.
BoxofAds used to cover this but I’m not sure how updates it is anymore.
Thanks Alex, are Zeropark and PropelMedia also good for Domain redirect traffic ?
Zeropark has good domain traffic.
Propel is PPV (pops) but they are always keyword targeted so they convert good as well.
Hi, I’m just getting started and found this blog. Great resource!
For domain/redirect traffic, is it recommended that on the landing page there is a link to the site the user intended to visit?
I’m looking to have my landing page display an ad (maybe google ad) and provide a click through for direct access to the resource they were looking for on the intended site. Revenue would come from the ad(s). Is that a recommended strategy with respect to domain/redirect traffic?
Also, with this approach, I’m not sure where the keywords come in?
Hi Eric.
Not really, you don’t need to include a link. This type of traffic is not like URL shorteners that are just a bridge between one page or another.
Mixing Google Adsense with this type of paid traffic isn’t a good idea though. Google doesn’t like many of this traffic types and your account would probably get banned fast.
The keywords come from people mistyping something, like instead of typing facebook.com, they type facebok.com and then they get to your landing page.
Hope this helps!
I was thinking because its quality traffic, for example an intentional wish to reach facebook.com but instead typing facebok.com, you’d likely display an ad for the greater “social networking” market segment, like an ad for a facebook app. Then, provide a link to facebook.com so the user doesn’t feel like something went wrong. Perhaps I’m not understanding, but ready to learn. 🙂
For implementing keywords, its just a matter of going to a domain registrar and registering keywords domains, like facebok.com?
Google Adsense wouldn’t allow you to show an add in a simple page like that. That would be thin content and leads to a ban. In fact they consider thin content many news sites lately with articles below 300-500 words.
As for the keywords, you don’t own the domains. Somebody else already owns them and they’re selling their traffic to you through SelfAdvertiser.