If you’re still in the fence deciding if you should go to Affiliate World Europe let me help you: YOU SHOULD GO.
Update: both winners (Paul and Anastasia) have been announced and confirmed for their tickets. Thanks for participating! See you in Berlin 🙂
The affiliate World Conferences is an affiliate event organized by the founders of the Stack That Money Forums and while they had been doing several events every year they decided to go pro and start a super big conference back in December called: Affiliate World Asia 2015. You can read my experience right here.
It seems like they’re organising 2 events per year, one in Europe for Summer (great choice because Winter sucks big time!) and another one during Winter in Asia, which depending on the country could be super cold or super hot like Bangkok.
Anyways, AWE will be held in Berlin next month and I’d like to thank their staff for giving me an opportunity to give away a couple gold pass tickets for you to come.
Here are the details:
Brought to you by STM (the #1 rated affiliate forum in the industry). This is the number one event of the year to meet and mingle with super affiliates earning 7-8 figures yearly profit.
- Event: Affiliate World Europe 2016
- Location: Berlin, Germany
- Dates: 18-19 July 2016
- Venue: Berlin Congress Center, Alexanderstrass, 10179, Berlin
- Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/913980658670249/
- Tickets: https://affiliateworldconferences.com/europe/tickets
Main Features
- Networking Events: based around traffic types, niches, growing your business and more. Mingle with some of the best marketers on the planet. Networking drinks include “Mobile”, “Native” & “Facebook”.
- Speakers: The biggest speakers in the performance marketing industry. There will even be a chance to ask them your own questions at our “Meet The Speakers” drinks.
- Breakout Sessions: learning seminars focused on topics like Facebook, Mobile, Copywriting, and many more.
- Panels: featuring industry experts including Facebook, Google, Outbrain, Teespring & Shopify
- Market: 2 FULL days of the market with 100+ exhibitors (including ad networks, affiliate networks, solution providers etc)
- After Party: a crazy german party to cap the event off on the final night!
Berlin will be nice
Last year’s conferences were held in Bangkok, London, and I think one in China but this time they chose Berlin. Berlin is a very big city and Germany overall is a cool country to visit. Also, you won’t be freezing outside because it’s summer so you don’t need to pack twice as much clothes to stay warm.
If you’re a nerd like me you won’t be visiting all the bars and night clubs for 7 days in a row. I’ll leave that for the days of the conference and a few private parties.
Instead you’ll take a few days to visit some of the most amazing museums (the museum island is 5 minutes away from AlexanderPlatz) and a few other amazing buildings like the Brandenburg Gate and the Berlin Wall.
Speakers and keynotes
Last year’s speakers were quite decent. While many affiliates know you won’t hear about some black hat technique or trick while listening a presentation in front of 500 affiliates, you should still take notes because sometimes the bombs you can hear are quite focused on performance, businesses, efficiency and small tips to stay alive in this world.
Some affiliates such as Charles NGO, Alexander Tsatkin and Hugh Hancock are going to give some tips in the stage, but aside from that, a few keynote speakers are attending and you might have heard of them even if you’re not in the affiliate marketing industry as they are big guys in the digital marketing or marketing industry for a long time.
Some of the keynote speakers are:
Neil Patel
Neil is the cofounder of four multimillion dollar software companies namely Crazy Egg , Hello Bar , Quick Sprout and KISSmetrics . In addition to that, he has helped companies like Amazon, NBC, General Motors, HewlettPackard and Viacom grow their revenues through digital marketing.
Drew Eric Whitman
Drew, author of bestseller “CA$HVERTISING: How to Use More Than 100 Secrets of AdAgency Psychology to Make Big Money Selling Anything to Anyone”, began creating advertising at age 11 by writing and designing direct response catalogs of jokes, gags and novelties. Many years later, after extensive experience in face to face selling of everything from printing to clothing, jewelry to real estate, a degree in Advertising from Temple University started the ball rolling.
Drew created powerfully effective advertising for companies ranging from small retail shops to giant, multimillion dollar corporations. His work has been used by many of the most successful companies and organisations in the United States.
Ryan Holiday
Ryan is a media strategist and advisor for bestselling authors Tim Ferriss, Tucker Max and Robert Greene. His work has been used as case studies by Twitter, YouTube and Google and has been written about in AdAge, the New York Times, Gawker and Fast Company. At the age of 21, he became the Director of Marketing at American Apparel.
In 2012, his first book entitled “Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator” has debuted on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list and is taught in colleges around the world. Holiday’s second book, “Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising”, uses companies such as Facebook, Airbnb, Dropbox, and Uber as examples and was named as one of Inc. Magazine’s top 10 marketing books of 2014.
Affiliate Industry Experts
Experts from Facebook, Google, Shopify and many more talks from the most experienced affiliates in our industry who are earning 7-8 figures a year (including Charles Ngo, Alexander Tsatkin, etc).
Of course we will have people from some companies such as Facebook, Google, Outbrain, Go2Mobi and Shopify giving their insights about the industry along with affiliates, so it’s not just an affiliate-to-affililate event. We will have some brands and networks to “network” with.
Sponsors and exhibitors
A big part of the show is the exhibition room where you’ll have access to many networks and advertisers to pair your campaigns.
Bitter Strawberry, Mobidea, Mobvista and WWWPromoter are the diamond sponsors of the event but you’ll have access to many other networks and reps too.
Here is a list of some of the networks and advertisers/tools that are attending Affiliate World Europe. If you don’t have enough traffic sources to spend 5 figures per day you’re definitely doing something wrong.
Networking tips
First time I went to a conference like this I didn’t know what to expect. When you’re new in this industry what you want to do is to get a real feel of what’s working and the potential in this industry before anything else. Events like Affiliate World Europe are great to kickstart your butt into taking action and also to make friends that are on the same level as you.
You DON’T need to be a supper affiliate to attend.
- There are people earning 5 figures per day in the event.
- There are people earning 4 figures per day too.
- Some people earn 2-3 figures per day.
- And some people haven’t launch a campaign yet or they’re still not profitable after a few weeks/months.
It doesn’t matter. I think last time we had at least 20-30% of the attendees being newbies and some of them came from doing SEO, being bloggers, etc.
Whatever you do, make sure you have a plan and meet as many people as you can to get a feel of the industry. If you’re earning 3+ figures per day you probably have an attack plan already.
Here are 3 tips to get the most out of your networking:
1 Make plans before and after the event
If you think everything happens during the event, think again. Many reunions and smart talks happen a couple days before or after the event. While the conference is great to meet networks, sign up and say hello to managers, you should always try to do something else if possible before or after the event.
If you have some friends from a mastermind, arrange a meal with them. If your managers are attending, grab a drink with them. If you’re new in this industry, make sure you attend one or 2 meetings from people running the same traffic sources as you so you can make new friends and possibly a small mastermind group after the event.
2 Make sure you bring everything you can
OK, this looks obvious but never forget your laptop/phone if you’re going to exchange information in real time. You want to take action as soon as possible. If you learn a nice tip and you can test it the very same night while others party until death, good for you.
Don’t forget to bring proper clothes for the after parties (depends on the country and weather) and try to get a SIM with an unlocked phone so you’re communicated at all times. Phone chargers, dry clothes, metro/bus cards, etc are a must. BTE, Uber works in berlin so it’s a great way to move around without having to speak any german at all.
3 Share your expenses
If you’re a newbie this tip will work wonders for you. Try to arrange an Airbnb and divide it between 3-4 people who are in a similar position. You’ll end up paying less, getting to know some new friends that could be very worthy after a few months/years and you’ll get to move around the city by Uber paying less. Also, you won’t arrive completely alone to the events and thus you won’t feel like a stranger there. Just make sure you don’t stay together the whole time while you miss other opportunities.
4 Bonus: party hard, work hard
Many affiliates think that going to this kind of events means drinking until you throw up and then drink a bit more. While it’s true that people tend to talk openly after a couple beers (Germany is the perfect place to drink beer), make sure you don’t drink more than you should. Otherwise you’ll be late for conferences, parties and with a massive headache every day and you won’t be stable enough to share and gather info from other affiliates.
Also, it’s a good idea to drink a few beers with other friends but a better idea is to make a mastermind and work together a for a few days to learn from each other rather than just drinking and partying hard.
2 x Gold Pass Giveaway
Again, I’d like to thank the Affiliate Conferences team for giving me the opportunity to give away a couple Golden tickets.
The tickets are priced at more than $900 right now (I think I bought mine at $600 each??) so if you’re new in the industry and you’ve got not enough money to spend but you still want to assist this is your opportunity.
I’m randomly giving away both passes to a couple guys who can participate in a small dynamic for my blog. I’m publishing this on Friday June 24th and I’ll raffle the tickets next Wednesday (June 29th).
The conference is less than 1 month away so whoever is going needs to be sure they’re not going to miss the show and act fast (buy flight tickets, hotel reservation, etc).
If you’re in Europe it’s an easy decision as you can fly anywhere with $150-250 bucks and get a cheap ($50 per night) hotel to stay for 2-3 nights. The whole cost won’t be as expensive as the tickets for the event so it’s an easy decision if you’re still saving money to spend and learn on your campaigns.
If you live in Asia or America it will be more expensive but at least you’ll save $900 bucks from the gold pass tickets.
Anyways, here is the little dynamic so you can participate on this raffle:
- You MUST be subscribed to my email list. When the winner is selected I’ll double check if you’re subscribed or not. I don’t really SPAM you more than once per month when I write a new post, so don’t worry. I won’t pitch you into one time offers or $9.99 courses for sure.
- If you’re already subscribed, leave a comment below explaining why you think it would be good for you to attend this event and how are you planning to take action after it.
You MUST BE sure that you can attend the event if you WIN. I don’t want to give away tickets so you can later bail because you weren’t interested enough or you never had the money to come. Again, if you’re in Europe it’s an easy/non expensive decision, but if not, at least make sure you have money for the airplane/hotel/airbnb and some money left to keep launching campaigns after you come back.
That’s it.
I’ll read your comments below and publish the winners next week.
Update after AWE Berlin: My experience was great. Meet a lot of new people, made valuable contacts and get some good tips that I can implement. It was also inspiring to see many successful affiliates in one place. Right now I’m working on a campaign that I can directly contribute to the contact I made at the conference! It was definitely worth going and I recommend it for every affiliate.
Hi guys, just a small update. I’ve recently returned from Berlin and have to say it definitely worthed to go. I had such a great blast of info and connections. I guess now I will be able to make my way in Aff marketing and will make money for next conference in Asia. The main for me is of course all that people I have met! “Your netWORTH is your netWORK” as my new friend said.
Servando, you are welcome in Hamburg!
Hi everyone!
I have recently received my ticket to AWE berlin and already confirmed my stay, chatted with my friends in Berlin, telling them I’m coming. I am so happy and right now preparing myself to come, booking tickets, making notes, searching about speakers and other info.
Looking forward to see Servando there and make other connections with leaders of industry.
Thank you Servando, It will be a great kick for me and my life!
Hello Anastasia. Thanks for getting back and confirming your ticket reception.
Make sure you don’t forget anything for the event. See you there!
Hello to all readers,
I’m one of the winners of Gold pass to AWE Berlin. Received my ticket today and already booked hotel and transportation to Berlin. For those that are going, see you at the event. I’m excited!
THANK YOU Servando for this opportunity!
Thanks for getting back and confirming your ticket!
I hope you can make the most out of it. See you there!
Hello Anastasia. CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve been selected.
I have sent you an email to the same one you use in your Disqus profile so you can help me confirm some data and get your golden pass.
Please answer back ASAP to setup your ticket or I’ll have to give the ticket to somebody else.
I am so happy happy happy 🙂 I received and replied to letter.
So will I see you on AWE? I would love to meet you in person !
Your data has been confirmed (so is Paul’s prize). You should receive your tickets soon!
Sure I’ll be there. Make sure to say hi!
Hi Servando,
Thats awesome chance for all newbies as I’m. Originally I’m from Ukraine but one and a half year ago I decided to move to USA to find better opportunities for my self. I start doing affiliate marketing since 2016. Already met a lot of guys here in NYC who doing great numbers and I know where I want to grow. To be honest, I won’t be able to visit AWE, because I still can’t leave USA, but I have partnter in Ukraine, so if I win I will give my ticket to him.
This is huge opportunity for our team, because networking is big part of the business.
Good luck every one.
Participation confirmed. 6 hours more to go before we close it.
Hi Servando,
Even if someone else wins this ticket, thank you for this kind present for affiliate community 🙂
My name is Alex, I am from Ukraine. I work in team with my friend. Even though we are around for 3 month, we already have some results. I am attempting in few masterminds from STM, and guys from them are going to be there and it would be great too meet them in person, as well as connect with other guys.
I will be glad to win this ticket, because it is a bit expensive for me to attempt and all our money we do put in work 😀
I think this opportunity will pull us on the next level.
I wish everyone to be in green zone 🙂
Best regards, Alex.
Thanks Alex.
Participation confirmed. Winners will be announced tonight!
Hi Servando,
I aslo want to jump into giveaway. My name is Martin and I have just discovered affiliate marketing for me. I had to find a way to earn more money because I recently became a father of a lovely daughter and I have increased responsibilities now.
I told about this industry to my wife and she also started to launch campaigns then our little dauther is sleeping. So we can go together if we will be lucky here in your giveaway 🙂 We live in Germany so it will be no problem to come.
Thanks Martin. Your participation has been confirmed.
Ciao Sevando,
first of all thanks for the opportunity you’re offering.
Secondly, I’m probably the oldest one here (37), applying to get a golden pass to AWE Berlin. It’s not a merit nor a fault, just a fact 😉
For almost 10 years I worked in the corporate world. Then, about than 4 years ago my health crashed and had no chance rather then quit everything and go back home in order to solve the problem. That might sound a bad thing (which in reality, it was) but thank God (and my perseverance) I was able to find a solution.
And, although I hated my condition so much, it’s through this that I got to know about AM. In fact, last year, during one of my sleepless nights, while surfing the web in search for the next treatment, I stumbled upon a blog where I saw a link to STM Forum. Don’t ask me where and why cause I have no idea.
At that time, I had no clue about affiliate marketing. But that forum caught my attention immediately, and after some hesitation, I decided to subscribe and found out that what I thought could have been the job of my dream existed for real.
So I started to read and study as much as I could. In that period, still my health wasn’t really ok, so there were days I could read a lot and weeks I couldn’t do anything. It took a few months, more than expected (barely 6 months) to have a clear picture of everything and starting to launch campaigns consistenlty. I made all the possible mistakes a newbie can do. From changing too many verticals and too many traffic sources (too soon) before being able to become profitable to not testing enough offers and setting up tracking the wrong way.
Looking back today, if it wasn’t for my health, I would have never had the courage to leave my corporate job and discover affiliate marketing. And I wouldn’t be the person I am now. So, in the end, it wasn’t all that bad 😉
I thought about going to AWE Berlin (btw, I’m from Italy) and tried to get the early bird tickets but probably wans’t fast enough to buy one of them.
Right now, given the full price plus the trip and the accommodation, that would burn almost half of my monthly budget to fund my campaigns. And given the fact I’m about to break even (with some green here and there), I’m not sure that investing 50% of the monthly budget would be a smart idea. But in case I got selected for the free pass, I would definitely go to Berlin. No doubt!
I’ve been a member of STM for almost a year now and joined several Skype Masterminds. Which, in most cases, miserably failed in no time. But also got in contact with some interesting people and somehow successful in AM. It’s from them that I learnt the best tips which allowed me to advance.
So I guess being in Berlin would be a great chance to network with affiliates, meet networks and traffic sources representatives and get the good vibes of such a big event.
In the end, I’m not a youngster anymore. But still with all my dreams in place and with a strong will to make them come true. And when it comes to AM, AWE Berlin is probably one of the biggest opportunities in front of me to speed up my learning process, boost my motivation, make new friends, have fun and keep building my new life and career.
See you soon. And if not in Berlin at the next AWA Event 😉
P.S..In case it makes any difference, I subscribed to your mailling list in August 2015 but subscribed again 2 days ago since my Disqus account is connected to a different e-mail address. Just for you to know.
Hi Gabriele.
Thanks for your honest comments. Your participation has been confirmed.
Hello. You’re still in time. Participation confirmed.
Where are you from?
Participation confirmed. Thanks 🙂
You can comment with this account, no problem. Just make sure to follow the rules as other people did. Best Regards.
Yeah I will, BTW, how long should the confirmation e-mail take to be sent? I haven’t received it yet. And did you get my other post?
Usually a few minutes at max. What other post? or do you mean another comment? if so, under which name?
I posted another post explaining why I should enter the raffle, it was sent to moderation..Tell me if you didn’t get it and I’ll re-write it!
Could you please re-write it? I already moderated all the comments and yours is not there. Thanks!
OK, never mind. I found it in the SPAM folder. Sorry.
Hello Anastasia. Thanks for your comments.
You’re confirmed for the giveaway. Living in Germany helps a lot.
Stay tuned!
Hello Fabian.
Your participation for the ticket raffle has been confirmed.
Thanks for being honest. Good luck!
Servando, I get an error when trying to subscribe to your email list, perhaps it’s because of my email provider? No need to post this here, but if you can, please add: “sweqq@riseup.net” to your email list!
Thanks again.
It’s probably your email provider. Do you have another email to participate?
cool that you give such chance to us. thanks
No problem m8.
Hey Servando,
Cheers for all the great content on your blog.
To be honest, I’m not sure whether I’m best person to receive this ticket. I’ve been working in the CPA space for the past 3 months now, spent around $10,000 and am struggling to get into the green.
It’s my dream to run a successful business and I’m going to give it (and already giving it) everything it takes. I’ve already bought the cheapest ticket to AWE and I’m flying 20 hours to be there.
If I’m completely honest, I’d value spending 30 minutes asking you questions 100x greater than a free ticket. It’s connecting with industry leaders like yourself that could, in my opinion, have the impact on my trajectory.
Anyway, keep up the great work with the blog – I think I speak for everyone reading, when I say you’ve really helped a lot of people.
Hey Brad. Thanks for being honest.
You’re already in for the raffle. If you win you’ll get a refund and be upgraded to Gold pass.
BTW, where are you coming from? that’s a long flight!
Coming from Australia – it’s actually closer to a 24 hour trip… but Europe is awesome and I can’t wait to meet other Affiliates in real life
Nice. Australia is far from everywhere except SE Asia 🙂 Enjoy your trip!
I’m 18 years old young motivated guy who has just finished high school and is dreaming about being success affiliater. I chose GAP year to work with affiliate marketing as much I can. Now I’m testing a lot with negative ROI but I’m moving forward and not giving up to see GREEN!
I believe that the Affiliate World Europe 2016 can help me for moving faster in this competitive industry, I want to meet more new amazing people in this industry, more network because now I can’t to do that for much. And above all, to learn as much as I can from all speakers and try all new things ASAP!
P.S Thanks for great information Silva what you share in this blog and Affiliatefix forum!
Thanks povilas. You’re confirmed for the raffle. Stay tuned and keep working!
I build software for a living and am looking for an alternative lifestyle to replace a 9-5 more freedom to leave what I do now.
I’ve launched a few campaigns and had some success on pops and mobile but nothing consistent enough to make me consider quitting. Lots of ups and downs.
I’m looking to keep launching new campaigns weekly, work on networking, and finding guys with the same mindset to mastermind and share with.
So far from this industry, I’ve learned to have an abundance mentality, mindset and your network is everything, you will only get so far with a superman complex, life it short and what you put in is what you get back.
I’ve been on the fence on going to AWC just weighing the applicable ROI for the event and the cost of launching more campaigns. If I get the opportunity, I would definitely go.
@Paul – If you wanna mastermind comment me back let’s sync up and see if we can do some damage.
Hello David. you’re confirmed for the giveaway. BTW, where are you from?
Awesome thanks for the update Servando, my family’s from Vietnam but I was born in the States (USA). What about you, where are you from?
Half Korean, half Mexican. long story LOL. So you’d be flying form the USA to Germany?
I will be honest – I want to go to Berlin very bad. I missed opportunity to buy cheaper tickets and right now I strongly regret. I run mainly on Facebook with some successes and want to scale it, but need little bit of push. I think it’s best opportunity.
I already have a partner (with experience running big campaigns for direct response supplement company) I will run with and to keep each other accountable. I live in Poland (Torun), very close to Berlin and if you choose me, I will be there. I could get there even by car in 4 hours. I will not waste this ticket.
I had some failed campaigns and right now I need everything I could for testing more and I can’t afford to buy ticket, but have enough budget for transport and accommodation.
I plan to go to every session about facebook and meet affiliates with bigger experience than mine with this traffic source. I only need couple of pieces to get this going on big scale. I will take notes etc., but most importantly make valuable contacts and perhaps form partnerships. I think I could provide value too. It’s NOT definitely only to listen and do nothing, but to get actionable tips that could make huge difference in my effort and meet other affiliates (I can’t even talk to anyone in Poland about affiliate marketing).
I’m subscribed to your list for long time.
Thanks for this chance.
Hello Paul.
Looks like you have a good plan for the event. You’re confirmed for the giveaway. Thanks.
Thanks for confirmation!
Hi Paul. CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve been selected.
I have sent you an email to the same one you use in your Disqus profile so you can help me confirm some data and get your golden pass.
Please answer back ASAP to setup your ticket or I’ll have to give the ticket to somebody else.
I’m 33 years old Eastern European guy who started to learn Affiliate Marketing in March.
(and I’m subscribed to your email list too 🙂
Have a few successful sweeps and app-install campaigns, but want to learn how to improve and increase the revenue.
I think that networking is very important and I hope to met new people and learn. I would like to met you and other guys there.
P.S. I have a ticket already (not a Gold one). If I win a Gold ticket from you I can exchange mine.
Hi Dennis.
You’ve been confirmed for the giveaway. If you win your ticket will be refunded and upgraded to a gold pass.
Stay tuned.
Excellent post as usual Servando! I will be attending and if you still have a slot available, would love to chat with you.
Hi Laurent.
Make sure to say hi if you see me there. Good to know you’re going.
I’m an 18 year old Swedish man who’s been reading and learning about affiliate marketing for 18 months now, I’ve had a part time job whilst still in school to save money so I can start campaigns, I now, 18 months later have saved up some money that I’ve used to start several campaigns (only some has generated a positive ROI), what I’m trying to say is that I’m in desperate need of learning, and I feel that networking and attending lectures by professionals is a very good way to get that knowledge.
I have a very limited budget and I could not afford to buy a ticket to AWE, I can however, since I live in Sweden get to Germany fairly cheaply and afford to stay.
I’ve also been reading your blog since it appeared on affiliatefix 🙂
Thanks for this opportunity!
Thanks for your comment. Living in Sweden definitely helps.
You’re confirmed for the giveaway. Best regards!