Hey guys. We just had a blast at the AWA Bangkok conference organized by the iStack team.
This is how the Afterparty hosted by Yeahmobi in a rooftop garden looked like yesterday night:
As you can see, the party was packed, and a lot of people where in another boat party as well so there were a to of affiliates in Bangkok. If you’ve been following the trajectory if this event you know they have one version for Europe and one for Asia (6 months apart each other approx.) and the European conference has been held twice in Berlin plus a similar one in London happened in 2015.
A few hours before the event finished the Affiliate World Team announced that they were changing locations which made me really happy as a lot of affiliates suggested other beautiful cities in Europe including me.
First they showed France and then Vegas but at the end the decision was to bring AWE to Barcelona:
Barcelona was personally the choice I made a few months ago when there was a survey running around Facebook. It’s a nice place, it has a lot of young people and by summer it’s going to be super hot as well. Overall I like it much more than Berlin.
The only thing I guess some people might have problems with is the language. Spanish people don’t tend to speak english, but besides that it’s going to be epic.
Here’s some details about AWE:
- New Location: Barcelona, Spain
- Dates: July 18-20th, 2018
- Some speakers: Oli Gardner (Co-founder, Unbounce), Ezra Firestone (Founder and CEO, Smart Marketer and Zipify) and Ryan Deiss (Founder and CEO, DigitalMarketer), plus 40+ more speakers, panels and workshops to announce.
Notes: This will be the 6th conference to date. They’ve tripled in size since the first show in Bangkok in 2015, throwing events in Berlin for two years and this being their third in Bangkok. AW is constantly aiming ahead of trends and cater to the affiliate marketing’s elite. The show has always stayed true to its audience, we grow, but only if it’s aligned with our goals and benefits the industry as a whole. Early bird pricing will start in January.
Meanwhile you can grab your sit and stay in touch with other people interested/attending in this FB group: AWE Barcelona FB group.
As always, stay tuned because I might give away a free ticket in the future. Who’s interested in attending Barcelona?
hello.whats your blog rss address?
This is the RSS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ServandoSilva
¡Allí estaremos! Representando a mi empresa (cliente).
Servando me gustaría proponerte nuestras campañas dentro de la vertical “encuestas remuneradas”, somos una empresa muy grande y conocemos perfectamente cómo funciona la vertical (llevamos años haciéndolo).
¿Sería posible contactar contigo de algún modo?
Hola Miguel. Puedes agregarme a Skype aunque no corremos ese tipo de campañas: servandosilva88.
Hi Servando,
Thank you very much for your posts, they inspires me on doing things which I did not do before.
Could you please tell me, if you will start now on Utility Apps in Mobile Pops traffic, which GEO’s would you test first of all?
Every tells me that I must start from low bid countries and I must not start from US (because this is very expensive country).
Or maybe you would prefer Sweeps or any other verticals, because on Utility Apps can’t earn enough money at this time? Many people says that know impossible to work in Utility apps vertical because advertisers often deducts payments because of low KPI. And I must work only with cloacking.
Could you please tell what do you think about this moments?
Hi Liam.
In that case I’d start only on Tier 3 countries. Yes, US is very expensive, difficult and regulated overall, not only for app installs.
Utilities are definitely hard and not hot like they were a few years ago. it’s good for a start and to learn, but otherwise I’d focus on what’s hot nowadays on mobile, using a tool like Adplexity to see what’s working at the moment.
Best Regards.